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General Physic Institute
Tel:7-910-4777892Address:38, Vavilov st, Moscow,
General Physic Institute
Update Time: | 2011-03-18 |
Valid to: | Never Expired |
Detailed Description: | Hi, Monica! Our company Polironix Ltd. in Moscow, Russia, need to buy some parts: 1. SMA905 connector 300 micrometers diameter with cupronickel ferrule, -200pieces 2. SMA 905 adapter 130 micrometers diameter - 100pieces 3. SMA 905 adapter 200 micrometers diameter - 100pieces 4.HPSMA905 300 micrometers diameter with cupronickel ferrule - 50 pieces 5. HPSMA905 440 micrometers diameter with cupronickel ferrule - 150 pieces Please advise is there an opportunity to make cupronickel ferrule and prices We can pay for your order through the Chinese firm "Lacom", represented in Russia Is it possible to send the goods by the postal service from China to Russia? Regards, Vitaly Krasovskii |
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